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The Next Big Thing – Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything

The Next Big Thing – Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything

The Next Big Thing – Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything

Web 3.0 is one of the hottest topics of this year but before getting deep into its details let’s first see some aspects of Web 1.0 and Web2.0 and how they were different from Web 3.0.
The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything

Web 1.0

The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything
Web 1.0 is an initial overview of what the internet was between the years 1991 and 2004 the internet was mostly a bunch of static pages meaning that whenever you loaded them, they just showed some stuff and that was what users used to call it read-only. There wasn’t any logging in or interacting with posts or viewing analytics, most of the early internet wasn’t even profitable by advertisements. It was mostly one big Wikipedia all hyperlinked together. Now, of course, with time we slowly made improvements, and things like flash and JavaScript added many new different features. However, during this time, the users of the internet were consumers, they search the internet websites to gather information.

Web 2.0

Gynok - QnA & Blogging Platform - The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything Next, we have Web2.0 from around 2004 until now during this time web evolved a lot but one of the biggest changes was the interrelation of the internet this meant that not only did we get to understand from pages but the web pages started getting information from us as we viewed Facebook and YouTube and performed google searches these centralized companies started collecting data about us so that they could help customers with better content which in turn would make us stay on their websites longer this meant more money for them but later on they realized they could package up all the data they collected on us and sell it to advertisers. Web 2.0 is the age of targeted advertising and lack of privacy for its users now to be fair we willingly gave up its privacy. Cool apps like Facebook and Twitter in 2.0 the content on our feed is the company sorting data by information that we know that we gave them but if we look at the ads, they show us that is them sorting data by the information we didn’t know we gave them. One centralized company controlling all the data whether we want it or not is not so good.

Web 3.0

Gynok - QnA & Blogging Platform - The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything Web 3.0 is the next evolution of the internet probably utilizing blockchain technology and tools of decentralization. In Web 2.0 we were the product as we were browsing social networks but in web3.0 some experts believe that we will be the owner of our content, the stuff that we post online. One such example is an odyssey, which is a blockchain alternative to YouTube where videos can be posted and creators can earn library tokens which are a reward for enticing viewers to watch their videos. The thing about odyssey though is that they can’t stop a video from being posted if someone uploads it and someone else in the network want to share it they technically download that video and play it as well. Gynok - QnA & Blogging Platform - The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything To expand on this our post couldn’t get taken down because our post wouldn’t just be on one of Facebook servers. It would theoretically be on thousands of computers around the world ensuring that the blockchain social network we are on is not attacked or censored, theoretically, this means there would be a lot of illegal and hateful things posted but in the name of freedom, the users of the network could probably decide on a system to reduce that harmful content they post on webpages. Gynok - QnA & Blogging Platform - The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything

All About Web 3.0

The advantages of web 3.0 mainly include personal looking between audiences. It allows customers more flexibility in real life. Now it is noticed sometimes the internet working with web3.O becomes way simpler. It resonates with the latest wild technologies to give overall semantics Web3.0 Design. Semantics Web 3.0 Design is a process that is way far to be achieved by decentralization and web vision. Well, This kind of frictionless smooth web designing experience comes from the concept of AI and machine learning. Robust analysis and the right kind of data dependency can help to create user-friendly websites. We can’t touch on topics related to AI web design without going deep into the wonders of ADI, known as Artificial Design Intelligence. ADI will provide sufficient tools to help the streamline design process of the website. ADI systems will not give an edge to designers, it will reduce the repetitive tasks been performed to create 3-D dynamic and static web pages that are more user friendly and provides a better user experience. It allows all search results with utmost and sufficient precision. Gynok - QnA & Blogging Platform - The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything For example- If we search the word “Mustang” on our web engines we get results related to Ford Mustang’s famous car. Mustang also happens to be a name of an animal. With the semantic web design, with appropriate keywords context, the search engines will be able to differentiate both the words. Isn’t that sound interesting? In a world where search practices are improving, we want our web to understand what we want to convey by that specific keyword, not what their search query understands. Since traditional search techniques are improving Web 3.0 will bring a drastic change in recent features of search engines with augmented reality. Let’s look at one more example Suppose two friends X and Y are searching for a hotel in a city. They both will type the same keyword “Hotel Nearby” on the search bar but tend to get different results on their phones. This advanced AI technology results will work wonders on the way an individual thinks. With more research and studies it now becomes clearer that it could improve data security, platforms that are currently been used in web2.0. In web 3.0 experts suggested that we will reach the point of the internet where every company is run by a decentralized group called a DAO which stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization. DAOs means that there are no CEOs or Presidents, those with the most tokens get to vote on how the company changes not limited by a government or family. Gynok - QnA & Blogging Platform - The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything In Web 3.0 there will be no censorship of social networks like Facebook, one controlling authority cannot shut it down. One of the biggest things in Web 3.0 is that our digital identity is not completely connected to our real-world identity. This means we can view websites, download stuff, and any other activity without being traced. Well, shortly we can say that in near future we can buy amazon gift cards using meta masks and pay with the Ethereum or that we can anonymously leave a like on one of our friend’s posts using one of our hidden wallets it’s not going to be a bunch of life-changing stuff all at once. It likely is a series of ideas that grow together until centralized companies like Facebook and Google are disassembled by the legislature while decentralized unregulated DAOs grow to replace them. Gynok - QnA & Blogging Platform - The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything Imagine you meet your family members or friends but not rather in a virtual world. One that is created artificially. Similarly, you are working or studying or shopping you do almost all you do in the real world, but not in the real world instead in a world where using special headsets or glasses right from your room. When you watch a film you wouldn’t be watching film merely as a viewer, you would experience being in the film. Or when you watch a  football match on the television, it is in two dimensions, but technically we use virtual reality then you would get a 360-degree experience of watching the football match around you. How does it sound? Doesn’t it sound a little depressing? Gynok - QnA & Blogging Platform - The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything The metaverse promises something like this for the future. But when metaverse is talked would be a world where you will be completely in 3 Dimensions. The word metaverse is made up of two words meta+verse. The word meta is derived from Greek. It is a prefix that means ‘beyond’ and verse comes from ‘Universe’. It is touted to be a technology that would replace the internet in the future and become the future of humanityWeb3.0 here plays a major role here where AR (Augmented reality) would mean something artificial elements mixed with the real world, and it wouldn’t be completely virtual. Web3.O here brings 5G high internet speeds to constantly upload and the huge amount of data for the virtual network world. Metaverse and Web3.0 are interlinked to each other. Gynok - QnA & Blogging Platform - The Next Big Thing - Web 3.0 | The New Internet Going to Change Everything Imagine a world where all your home appliances work together using better connections. Omnipresent. Right? This become far more reliable with Web3.0 bringing IoT and ubiquitous computers together. Ubiquitous computing here paves a new way in web3.0 where the internet will be available to all at any time or location. Here not only smartphones and gadgets we will be connected to a 5G connection. IoT and AR technology will allow connections of a multitude of gadgets and equipment. Here education tools become far-reaching offering a digital way for students and teachers to foster learning. So there is so much to see soon about this!!!

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