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Hair Care Routine for Healthy HAIR!

Hair Care Routine for Healthy HAIR!

Healthy and strong hair is as important as healthy skin. Whether a man or woman, good, shiny hair defines your personality. In-office, at parties everywhere we maintain our hair accordingly. Undoubtedly, you look attractive with your smooth and beautiful hair. When we talk about fashion, beauty, and style, isn’t your hair playing an important role.

But what if we don’t have enough hair to style or we are facing such hair issues. And if you are on this page you must be facing one of the hair problems. Indeed, it’s not only you but 80% of the population are suffering from these problems. Most of the men are going through baldness. They are losing their hair at a very young age. Not only one, two, or ten but several hair problems prevail in different countries. Hair problems such as ;
● Hair growth
● Hair loss
● Premature grey hairs
● Dandruff
● Hair volume

There is a lack of nutrition, or we are not fulfilling our hair needs that is why there are reports of such hair issues.

So, it’s our prime responsibility to take good care of our hair. Let our hair get everything it is looking for. Being in this situation, I try to find the cause behind this problem. Unless and until you will not be aware of this, how you can avoid hair problems.

Mentioning some of the main causes;
Lack of vitamin C
Poor nutrition
Hormonal change
Use of chemical products
Practising some tight hairstyles
Genetical factor
Unhealthy food

Once you are informed about the causes and reasons behind these problems, remember to never repeat them in your life.

Hair is very sensitive. From our eating habits to the hair products we use, somewhere it affects our body. So, we have to be very precise regarding this matter. It is better to be late than never. Now Is the right time to control and prevent those hair issues. Here, on this page, you will get some best ways to have strong and beautiful hair.
MASSAGE YOUR HAIR: As food keeps our body strong, in the same way hair oil is essential for this hair care routine. This is the best way to increase hair volume and give it a shiny appearance. Putting hair oil once a week will be very effective. By the end of the week massage your scalp gently with the natural hair oil. I recommend mustard or coconut oil. This will make your hair strong and shiny. There will be less chance of hair fall. Continue this for at least 10 min and leave it for one day. And then wash your hair.
AMLA: Amla is used as a medicine for any hair and skin care formulations. Amla is also called gooseberry and it contains vitamin C. Apart from this it is rich in iron, phosphorus, and calcium. Even doctors recommend taking amla or its juice every day. Moreover, amla also helps in proper digestion and blood circulation. Aside from that, it is advised to have amla when you are combating premature grey hairs. It is very effective in this case.
USE SHAMPOO: We also have to make our hair dirt-free. So, shampooing your hair once a week is advisable. Though we should Avoid using chemical-based products, removing oily scalp is also required. But I mind using it only once a week. We should keep in mind that our prime concern is to keep our hair roots clean, otherwise the more it is dirty, it will result in more hair loss.
AVOID ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES: Try to use hair appliances as little as you can. If it is urgent then only use it, otherwise just avoid it. People are seen using dryers but I suggest you stop using them as your hair loses significant nutrition and it becomes fragile. Meanwhile, it makes your hair tangled which also results in hair loss. So, let your hair dry naturally. Don’t use heating appliances to straighten your hair. Have faith that you look beautiful with your natural one.
DRINK WATER: All you need to do is drink 8 glasses of water every day. This will keep your body hydrated every time. Also, it contains nutrients which make our hair look shiny and smooth. It boosts blood circulation in the body. Also drinking plenty of water regularly helps to prevent constipation. If we keep our scalp hydrated, it not only promotes hair growth but also increases hair volume.
GREEN VEGETABLE: We should be very cautious about our eating habits. Try to eat healthy foods if you want strong and shiny hair. These green veggies have a direct impact on the body and mind. They are rich in protein, vitamins, and all the essentials which our body needs from time to time.

Spinach, carrot, avocado, sweet potato, papaya, add these veggies to your diet and soon you will see the difference. Make a habit of eating this.

Usually, people don’t bother about hairbrushes. But let me inform you that even comb matters a lot when we talk about hair issues. There are different kinds of brushes on the market, so choose wisely. what type your hairbrush is best for your hair. Just keep in mind not to share your hairbrushes with anyone. Keep it private. And also clean it from time to time.

Dairy products are rich in lactic acid which is essential to combat hair issues. Milk contains protein which is a basic requirement for hair and skin. Apart from that, dairy products such as yoghurt, and eggs also provide us with vitamin b7, iron, and omega 6 fatty acids to fight hair loss.

If you want dandruff-free hair, lemon will help you out. Cut the lemon into four pieces and rub your scalp with a piece of it gently so that it reaches every part of your head. After that keep it for half an hour and wash it nicely. Do this, unless your hair doesn’t get rid of dandruff.

We all are well aware of the term ‘yoga’. The benefits it provides to us are incredible. Also, we can tackle the problem of hair issues by thoroughly practising yoga. When we talk about hair issues, some specific exercises are undoubtedly very effective.
Here I am mentioning best yoga practices for hair growth and related issues.
● Kapalbhati
● Sirasna
● Vajrasana
● Sarvangasana
● sasangasana

More often, if you practice these yoga exercises regularly it will not only fight hair issues but also give you mental peace. We remain positive and focused.

An increase in weight and hair issues are quite relatable. Being overweight also invites several diseases, which have a direct impact on our hair and skin. Hair loss, weakness, and fragility are common in this state(obesity).

That is why obesity is one of the key causes of hair problems. So, there is a need to control weight. And this is the right time to do this.
But how??
5 effective ways to resist your body to gain weight.

If you follow this routine honestly and regularly, the day is not far that you will lose weight and also get beautiful and strong hair.

Also here are some easy and best tips and tricks to follow during this routine.

● Take a good sleep: To avoid stress and anxiety, take at least 7 hours of sleep every day. Don’t skip this part.
● Drink water: As mentioned above, water plays a vital role in our life. Generally, people avoid this but you don’t make this mistake.
● Less use of phones: I know we all have our phones but avoid overusing them. People say this is impossible due to work nowadays but use it as little as you can.
● Avoid junk food: This will help in reducing weight. Junk foods are generally Oily and stale. It makes our bodies unhealthy. So, don’t have this again.
● Comb when hair is dry: Try to detangle your hair when it is dry. If your hair is fragile, it will result in more hair loss.

The last thing to follow is consistency. Yes, you read it right. If you don’t follow this routine regularly, no need to even start. This is the only way to achieve your goal. practice makes the man perfect. Well said. It’s nothing like if you follow one day and rest for two days unfortunately there will be no result.

If you have a plan, this is the right time to execute it. People say they don’t have time. But let me interrupt you here, this is an investment in your body and definitely, it will be fruitful in the coming days. We don’t have time, we all need to manage time.
Do it with full dedication and effort. If you make it…

Here is your beautiful and shiny hair!

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Kshma Pandey

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